Elaine Culotti has spent the last 15 years designing some of the most elegant, yet livable homes in Los Angeles. From Tuscan style cook's kitchens, to romantic bathroom suites, to unforgettable foyers, Elaine is widely acclaimed for her remarkable vision and exceptional sense of style. Click to read more...

2010 ESQUIRE HOUSE After several years designing individual rooms for Esquire Magazine's annual Design House, Elaine was chosen in 2010 to manage the entire project. Read more...

THE GRAYSON ESTATEAfter several years designing individual rooms for Esquire Magazine's annual Design House, Elaine was chosen in 2010 to manage the entire project. Read more...

BEVERLY PARK Velit cillum dolore nugat oficia desent molit laborum excpteur sintcat cupidaroident ...

MORAGA DRIVE Velit cillum dolore nugat oficia desent molit laborum excpteur sintcat cupidaroident. Read more...